L’eau du Livradois-Forez, une ressource à protéger

Streams, rivers and lakes run through this regional natural park in Auvergne, a varied mesh of water from Livradois-Forez. The Dore, the main tributary on the right bank of the Allier, then flows through its heart for 138 kilometres. Born in the high plateaus of the Livradois mountains, its catchment area was then almost entirely located in the Livradois-Forez regional natural park. It is also at the head of the large Loire-Brittany watershed. A good route for this Livradois water which joins the Allier, then the Loire. And such a precious resource to preserve.

From the streams of the Livradois mountains to the rivers of Brittany

The Green and Blue Infrastructure, quesaco?

A certain and irremediable decrease in biodiversity has been observed for several decades. The protection of natural terrestrial and aquatic environments is essential, as well as the restoration of links between them. All of these reservoirs of biodiversity and their connections then constitute the ecological network Trame Verte (terrestrial environments) and Bleue (aquatic environments) of Livradois-Forez.

Fishing Auvergne Livradois-Forez water

The SAGE de la Dore, for good water management in Livradois-Forez

The Livradois-Forez Regional Nature Park manages the Dore Water Development and Management Plan. The latter aims to restore the waters of Livradois-Forez. It also aims to preserve the park's aquatic environments: wetlands, remarkable springs, a network of peat bogs, wooded rivers, backwaters and wild ponds. 

Did you know ? Emblematic and protected species are present in the aquatic environments of Livradois-Forez. Among which: the pearl mussel, the crayfish with white feet, the otter or the salmon.

Examples of actions to preserve waterways

A management team, internal to the Park, takes care of the waterways. The team then worked on the retreat of coniferous trees along the river, on the channeling of cattle farms near the banks, and in general: on the restoration of ecological continuity for a good flow of water. At our level, you also know the small daily measures: fill your household machines well before launching a program, pick up your waste, prefer a shower instead of a bath, respect prefectural decrees or even give up building your pool.

Livradois-Forez water: the rare pearl
The bogs of Livradois-Forez, on the Hautes-Chaumes du Forez. A peat ecosystem, humid, fragile and complex where lives a great diversity of fauna and flora.

Lavaudieu Water from Livradois-Forez

Water from Livradois-Forez:

Heavy metals discharged by the metallurgical industry north of Livradois-Forez, medicinal materials and antibiotics discharged in the heart of the park, large industrial water withdrawals near the factories: there is still a long way to go to preserve water resources , vital to the inhabitants of Livradois-Forez.

Eau du Livradois-Forez: the information that makes "phew"

Le Beak of the Dore remains a sensitive natural space closed to the public. The river course of the Dore was naturally modified. Indeed, the confluence of the Dore and the Allier has profoundly changed at the height of Ris in summer 2021. It would thus appeal more to migratory fish such as salmon, its new profile facilitating their journey upstream of the river.