Pack partenaire prestataire

The service provider pack is the key to the development of your tourist activity.

Pack publicitaire

Highlight its structure within the communication tools of the Maison du tourisme du Livradois-Forez

Pack  partenaire réseau

Specialized services for collectives and groups

Supports d’atelier et formation

Find the training materials you have taken to be able to put your new skills into practice

Les journées de découvertes et rencontres locales

Meet, exchange and discuss to share best practices and tips. Essential highlights...

Notes d’information Pro / Actualités

Receive the specific and technical information you need as a tourism professional

Saisir une animation

Enter the information concerning the announcement of your event yourself

Fiche renseignements

Fill in your APIDAE form. The information provided will be that which will appear in the communication tools...

Recevoir les documentations de la MDT

The Maison du tourisme publishes many tourist information documents, fill out the form and receive them at...