Practical information for staying in Auvergne, in Livradois-Forez

Plan your stay in Auvergne


Book your accommodation and your activities directly online.

Activities our personalized advice to make your stay rejuvenating and unforgettable.

Learn More our suggestions for stays over one to three days depending on your place of accommodation.

Arrange all the information you need to take full advantage of Livradois-Forez: guided tours, exhibitions, events, leisure, restaurants, sports...

Benefit our preferential rates for group visits reserved with our incoming service.

Jeu concours

Fancy a stay in Auvergne? Imagine a small house, made of wood. Your tribe happy to meet and experience...

Accès et transports

Welcome to Livradois-Forez, all the useful information to join us.

Brochures interactives

All the paper publications of the Maison du tourisme du Livradois-Forez, regional natural park in Auvergne.

Les Bureaux d’information et Offices de tourisme

Everything to reach us and get the information you need.

Galerie Vidéo

Find on video, the events and highlights of Livradois-Forez.